Wednesday, June 19, 2013

On the Couch with Durban's top sailor Jeremy Kriek

Catching up with top Durban Sailor, Jeremy Kriek who is a member of the Royal Natal Yacht Club’s Orion B2G2 L26 Lipton team. Kriek and his team are busy preparing for the biggest sailing event in South Africa, the Ola Lipton Challenge Cup that is being held offshore of Durban from the 7 – 12 July.

1 I am a sailor because…..?
I love the challenge of outperforming  other sailors by being more skilled, have a better prepared boat, have good understanding of the sailing rules , the technology of the boats rig and being able to constantly adjust to the ever challenging wind and water conditions. Sailing is not only a physical challenge but also an intellectual challenge. One has to constantly plan ahead and anticipate the next manoeuvre to stay ahead.
2 First time you went out sailing… (tell us how it went)
I was probably about 13 years old, it was on Sterkfontein Dam, it was in the winter and it was very cold. I enjoyed it all the same, and sailing is the reason I find myself living in Durban.
3 If I could have a drink with anyone, it would be with…
Old slow hand, Eric Clapton 
4 Role model / who do you admire
Ellen Mac Arthur

5 A moment that stands out for you while sailing?
While participating in the flying fifteen world championships in 2011 at Hayling island in the UK we were reaching to the leeward mark fighting off the then current world champions for 3rd out of 129, previous world champions were just ahead of us and the new world champions were leading the pack, we were good enough to fight it out with the best.
6 If you were invisible for a day, what would you get up to?
I would enjoy driving around in an blue light convoy with the minister of transport and some other high profile government officials and observe their reactions to the calamities they cause and maybe pull some tokalosh tricks.

7 If you were on a speed date, and had a minute to convince someone to take up sailing, what would you say?
Sailing makes you feel alive, even if there is only a light breeze blowing and only one other boat, there will still be a race, and all ones intentions are focused on winning.
8 Funniest or clumsiest moment sailing?
During a race in Spain Patrick and I collided with the president of our world body, seriously damaging his boat.
9 Lipton Challenge Cup, why is the event such a big deal?
The Lipton cup regatta is probably the most prestigious sailing event in South Africa and it draws the best local sailors to compete for the honour of winning the title of Lipton champions.

10 When you wake up in the morning on a weekend, what is your first thought?
I seemed to have earned a reputation of being the boat fixer, so often I lie in bed thinking of solutions to rigging problems or dreaming up new designs to improve our performance on the water. Sailing on the weekend is a way of life fore and does not require a second thought.
11 Durban has the best sailing conditions because….
The warm Mozambique current that flows down our coast keeps Durban warm all year round, the prevailing winds hardly ever relent and the sailing buddies are all great to hang out with.

12 Dinghy or yacht?
Yachts and dinghy but only real boats, not cats.
13 Dam or Ocean?
Ocean of course otherwise I would be living in joburg!
14 Rock or pop?
15 Bar-One Ice Cream or Rocky Road Ice Cream?
Rocky road
16 Swell or flat waters?

Swells with wind, there's nothing better than surfing down huge swells on a sailing boat.

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